Adventures of Snooki
Plus: more than you need to know about Speidi, Robert Pattinson vs. Daniel Radcliffe, and Jessica Simpson…
Kathryn McCaughey on NOBRO’s full-length debut, taxes and snake blood.
Plus: more than you need to know about Speidi, Robert Pattinson vs. Daniel Radcliffe, and Jessica Simpson…
And killer whales are smarter than sharks. The real SE is back!
‘instead of looking at what is happening with our favorite pop culture denizens, let’s look at what they are not doing…’
‘… all perky and sunshine-y and not all nihilistic and existentially gloomy as usual…’
Dennis Hopper, Jacques Cousteau’s grandson, Heidi Pratt and something special…
‘…don’t you feel sorry for poor Ambien? It’s the Tommy Hilfiger of prescription drugs…’
‘… put down your PhD thesis on mutated mitochondrial DNA, your Koran, your defibrillator, your dog-eared and copiously underlined copy of Ulysses…’
And no, it’s not ‘Last Night a DJ Saved My Life’…
‘Jersey Shore is so educational and fascinating that other cultures are jealous, and understandably want to get in on the action…’
Why did you waste all your hot years in university again, asks our SE columnist as she catches up with the celebrity mistresses du jour…
Maybe the whores aren’t the only culpable parties here, in fact they were just acting whorishly which is in their nature and is, in fact, how they earn a living. And much better livings once they come out publicly…
Kate Gosselin! Jon Gosselin! Lindsay Lohan! Octomom! Heidi Montag Pratt! All your favourites under one column. Welcome back, SE, we missed you!
After an unreasonably long absence, our SE columnist is back, with news about Sarah Silverman, James Cameron and Linda Hamilton, and Naomi Campbell. What, no Heidi Montag-Pratt?
‘The girl can’t win,’ writes Scurrilous Ephemera reporter Stephanie MacDonald. ‘First she’s horsey, then when she gets a major surgery overhaul she looks like a crazy cyborg created by an alien who once saw a picture of a human in a scrap of a page in Maxim magazine.’
The battle for the film icon’s money. Also – Mischa Barton’s on-set trouble, and the latest semi-celebrity to pose nude for Playboy.
It’s a week when everyone decided to quit everything, except the people who should be quitting. They’re staying. Or something…
‘Twihards, watch out. There are some new weird obsessives out there now waiting to steal your creepy thunder…’
‘… a beautiful, intelligent, misunderstood girl who gets caught up in the glamorous world of punditry, only to be sexually harassed…’