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Peak Performance Project Oct 4 – photos

Danielle McTaggart Dear Rouge photo

Dear Rouge at the Red Room, Oct 4 2012. Christopher Edmonstone photo

Photos – Dear Rouge, Facts and Maurice at the Red Room, Vancouver Oct 4 2012

– photos by Christopher Edmonstone

The third showcase of the 2012 PEAK Performance Project took place Thursday night, Oct 4 2012. Bands included Dear Rouge, Maurice, Facts and Alexandria Maillot.

Dear Rouge is Drew McTaggart and Danielle McTaggart. The group has a new EP scheduled for release Oct 9.

Like a Living Being is the debut from East Vancouver’s Facts. From the bio: “Facts have found a ripe blend of dance rhythms, synth lines, spacey guitars and layered vocals that evoke introspection and movement. Their sound is nostalgic, full of weight and immediacy, inspired by the retro sounds of Joy Division and Talking Heads, as well as modern progressive pop like Radiohead and LCD Soundsystem.”

Maurice is fronted by Jean-Paul Maurice, formerly of Victoria.

There are three more showcases in October. You can see the lineups here. Five bands will advance to the 2012 PEAK Performance finals for a chance to win big bucks.


Facts at the Red Room, Oct 4 2012. Christopher Edmonstone photo

Maurice band photo

Maurice at the Red Room, Oct 4 2012. Christopher Edmonstone photo

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