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Dungeons’ Jordan Vandetti and Pickles

Jordan and Pickles

Bands with Cats – Jordan Vandetti and Pickles

– by Cheena Jean Normandin

Your band and instrument:

I play guitar and do vocals in the band Dungeons.

What is your cat’s name? Pickles

What’s Pickles origin story?

Pickles was rescued by some organization and I got her from the people who were fostering her for that organization. I can’t remember its name.

What does Pickles usually eat?

Pickles likes junky food but we’re trying the raw food thing.

What do you think Pickles theme song is?

“Benny and the Jets”, Elton John.

What is the most impressive thing that Pickles has murdered?

She’s a pacifist, she likes watching flies and birds flying around.

If Pickles sees a GIANT spider, what is her course of action?

Hahahah! She probably wouldn’t notice.

Where is the last inconvenient place that Pickles has fallen asleep?

In my spot on the couch whilst I watch a movie at home. LOL.

If Pickles threw a raging party, what are the staples on the playlist?

Probably something chill like Tycho while doing catnip and watching the Jungle Cats documentary on the National Geographic channel.

If you wake up in a Freaky Friday situation with your feline, what’s your first course of action on its behalf?

Tell Pickles to go to work like I already tell her too every morning.


‘Like’ Dungeon’s Facebook page at facebook.com/dungeonsriffage

: https://www.facebook.com/dungeonsriffage

And find them at their bandcamp:  http://dungeons.bandcamp.com/

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