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Bands with Cats – The Ruffled Feathers and their felines

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Bands with Cats - The Ruffled Feathers

– by Cheena Jean Normandin

Andrew and Oliver

Your bands and role/instrument: Andrew, trumpet and vocals for The Ruffled Feathers. .

What’s your cat’s given name? Oliver (Ollie)

What’s your cat’s origin story?

He died for our sins, and was resurrected three days later.

What does your cat eat?

Chicken entrée microwaved for ten seconds, half filled with water and topped with dried catnip seasoning and a urinary tract supplement (fur real). Also fresh catnip salad.

What do you think your cat’s theme song is? Bonnie Tyler, “Total Eclipse of the Heart”.

What is the last book your cat fell asleep on?

He has modernized and only sleeps on keyboards, tablets and laptops (they’re warm)

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If your cat sees a GIANT spider, what is it’s course of action?

He either pulls off the legs one by one with his teeth or watches me try to point it out to him with no avail.

Where is the last incredible feat that your feline accomplished?

He learned how to go on walks with me without a leash and without ever straying from my side.

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What does your cat listen to while it is basking on a window sill in the sun?

He listens to my songs-in-progress which are always on repeat.

If you and your cat woke up in a weird Freaky Friday situation, what do you think would be the first thing your cat would do?

Lick his (my) genitals and then destroy dogs.

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Sophia and Ambrose

Your band and role: Sophia, keyboards for The Ruffled Feathers.

Ruffled Feathers

What’s your cat’s given name? Ambrose

What’s your cat’s origin story?

I got him as a kitten when I was about ten years old. I named him “Amber,” and freaked out when I found out that it was a girls’ name. So, distraught, I wrote about it in my school journal and my teacher suggested “Ambrose.”

What does your cat eat?

He has a strange obsession with coffee ice cream and croissants. If you eat either of those things around him, he’ll go crazy. Does this happen with anyone else’s cats?!

What do you think your cat’s theme song is? “Dancing In The Moonlight” by Toploader

What is the last book your cat fell asleep on?

He’s not a big fan of literature. My keyboard amp is completely covered in cat fur, though.

If your cat sees a GIANT spider. What is it’s course of action?

Make strange cackling noises at it, play with it, then eat it.

Where is the last incredible feat that your feline accomplished?

He can easily jump six feet high- from the ground to the top of the fridge. He then sits up there and smugly watches us. So I’d say that he feels pretty incredible all the time.

If you and your cat woke up in a weird Freaky Friday situation, what do you think would be the first thing your cat would do?

Form a catband with Chester and Ollie and play meowsic all day.

Sam and Chester

Your bands and role: Sam, drummer for Ruffled Feathers.

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What’s your cat’s given name? Chester

What’s your cat’s origin story?

As a kitten, Chester tripped and fell into a large vat of radioactive skittles and honey muffins. He emerged several hours later, barely able to function mentally, but filled with a strange, needy sort of joy.

What does your cat eat?

The suffering of the world, which he poops out as rainbows

What do you think your cat’s theme song is?

What is the last book your cat fell asleep on?

He cares not for books. He enjoys the kitchen table though, you know, where we eat.

If your cat sees a GIANT spider. What is its course of action? RUN

Where is the last incredible feat that your feline accomplished?

Where? Just outside of my room. He leaped and ate a giant moth while in mid-air. I didn’t actually see it happen – I heard about it from my sister later – but I suspect that its magnificence may have blinded me if I had actually witnessed it. He slept for three days following the incident.

What does your cat listen to while it is basking on a window sill in the sun? 

The sound of his brain cells screaming in panic as they aimlessly fling themselves against the inside of his tiny skull.

If you and your cat woke up in a weird Freaky Friday situation, what do you think would be the first thing your cat would do?

Stalk the most elusive and dangerous of prey. Man.

Ruffled Feathers

Match the Ruffled Feather with his or her choice of cat!

You can find more of the Ruffled Feathers at Ruffled Feathers.com and ruffledfeathersmusic.bandcamp.com.

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