
NOBRO brings Polaris long-listed Set Your Pussy Free to Westward Music Festival

Kathryn McCaughey on NOBRO’s full-length debut, taxes and snake blood.

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Rah Rah at the Biltmore Cabaret (photos)

Rah Rah Vancouver photo

Rah Rah at the Biltmore Cabaret, Vancouver, April 13 2012. Robyn Hanson photos.

Rah Rah at the Biltmore Cabaret, Vancouver, April 13 2012

– photos by Robyn Hanson

Rah Rah opening for Zeus and Two Hours Traffic Saturday night at the Biltmore Cabaret in Vancouver.

The Regina band is currently on tour for its third album, 2012’s The Poet’s Dead. Songs include “Prairie Girl”, which has gotten the band some attention. Band members take turns on lead vocals, with Erin Passmore, who also plays drums and keyboards, singing “Prairie Girl” while guitarist Marshall Burns sings … Violinist/keyboardist Kristina Hedlund also sings lead on a couple of songs.

More Rah Rah Vancouver concert photos:


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